I am a doula, a woman who advocates for mothers and their families. I have had the pleasure and frustrations of being with women as they navigate the medical services needed for a healthy birth. The pleasures are deep friendships and being welcomed in at a very intimate time. The frustrations are the buracracy and human malicousness perpertrated on behalf of people who are petty tyrants and demigods of the public health system. I have seen nurses feed bottles to babes who 's mothers wanted to only breastfeed. I have seen Dr.s order and bully people into stopping breastfeeding because they could not quantify the baby's milk intake. A system more geared to obtaining vitals and observations and reporting them than the care of the patient. I was a LPN for 10 years until I was injured on the job. I chose not to return to the field when as a patient I experienced the brunt of poor medical care. I now rely on the public health system as I can not afford the medical insurance available to me.
I watch the workings and personalities and wonder how are they going to legislate being nice. Because it is not happening out there now, so someone will eventually get the great idea that it will fix things and it will be made to happen. Like the song a spoonfull of sugar makes the medicene go down, we need some sugar. Unfortunately it will be too late.
The public system is experiencing culture shock and I believe they have a issue with their newest customers. You see, many people have experienced reversals because of the economy. Many are using the health departments and clinics as well. Together with higher education and the internet, todays patient is better informed to their medical conditions, their patient rights and are able to decipher good and adequate care from what they have offered in the recent past. With a greater influx I predict that conditions will deteriorate and even possibly collapse. Why? Because the private medical system is not willing or able to accomodate mandated care. There will be many who fall thru these new cracks and you can't legislate concern and care in a world that already isn't fair or nice. Pray for good health because like a parent with too many kids; eventually somethings gotta give, and there will always be someone who is hurt.
I watch the workings and personalities and wonder how are they going to legislate being nice. Because it is not happening out there now, so someone will eventually get the great idea that it will fix things and it will be made to happen. Like the song a spoonfull of sugar makes the medicene go down, we need some sugar. Unfortunately it will be too late.
The public system is experiencing culture shock and I believe they have a issue with their newest customers. You see, many people have experienced reversals because of the economy. Many are using the health departments and clinics as well. Together with higher education and the internet, todays patient is better informed to their medical conditions, their patient rights and are able to decipher good and adequate care from what they have offered in the recent past. With a greater influx I predict that conditions will deteriorate and even possibly collapse. Why? Because the private medical system is not willing or able to accomodate mandated care. There will be many who fall thru these new cracks and you can't legislate concern and care in a world that already isn't fair or nice. Pray for good health because like a parent with too many kids; eventually somethings gotta give, and there will always be someone who is hurt.
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